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Salim Omar CPA
CPA Marketing Genius LLC
Having run his own CPA practice for more than two decades, Salim understands what it takes to create and sustain a successful firm. But it wasn’t always this way. Years ago, despite working 60- to 80-hour weeks, his practice had $100,000 in debt, low- quality clients, and an unreliable team. Knowing there had to be a better way, he invested in himself and trained with some of the world’s best business minds. He went on to transform his practice, creating a highly profitable firm that offered lifestyle freedom. Since then, he has helped hundreds of firms achieve seven figures and beyond in revenues. Now, Salim is a bestselling author, thought leader and mentor to other CPA firm owners. Salim uses his lifestyle freedom to play table tennis, pickleball, and travel the world. Throughout these travels and interactions with various cultures, he’s learned that an open mind can often find ways to improve oneself and one’s business.